We support the vicinities served by St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Vianney Parishes. If you have a need for our services, contact our Rio Rancho office at:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
1594 Sara Road SE, Suite F
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
(505) 892-0526
You may also contact the St. Vincent de Paul Call Center for the general Albuquerque/Rio Rancho area at:
(505) 346-1500
We may refer to other resources where the Society of St. Vincent de Paul cannot provide assistance directly.
We support the vicinities served by St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Vianney Parishes. If you have a need for our services, contact our Rio Rancho office at:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
1594 Sara Road SE, Suite F
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
(505) 892-0526
You may also contact the St. Vincent de Paul Call Center for the general Albuquerque/Rio Rancho area at:
(505) 346-1500
We may refer to other resources where the Society of St. Vincent de Paul cannot provide assistance directly.